In COVID-19 clinical update #88, Dr. Griffin covers vaccine protection among US veterans, absence of long COVID in vaccinated who are infected, single dose of REGEN-COV monoclonal antibody cocktail provides long term protection, and Pfizer protease inhibitor Paxlovid is 89% effective in preventing hospitalization or death.

In COVID-19 clinical update #87, Dr. Griffin reviews PCR cycle threshold and RNA copy number, rapid antigen tests, hospitalization rate after infection or vaccination, allergies and vaccination, community transmission and viral RNA load, early treatment with sotrovimab, meta-analysis of tocilizumab treatment, antibiotic overuse, and guidelines on the use of anticoagulation for thromboprophylaxis.

In COVID-19 clinical update #86, Dr. Griffin discusses virologic features of infection in children, antibody tests should not be used to asses level of protection, test-to-stay programs in schools, FDA authorizes Moderna boosters, results of TOGETHER trial for fluvoxamine, statins and 28 day mortality, and cognitive function in patients.

In COVID-19 clinical update #85, Dr. Griffin reviews cases and deaths by vaccination status, mRNA vaccine effectiveness in 12-18 year olds, standard and extended dosing of mRNA vaccines, immune responses after vaccination, Moderna booster dose approved, giving monoclonals at home, no benefit from colchicine, and IFN does not help remdesivir.

In COVID-19 clinical update #84, Dr. Griffin discusses childrens’ antibody response to vaccination, phase 3 results of Novavax vaccine, heterologous vaccination, antithrombotic therapy, EUA for molnupiravir, phase 3 results of AZD7442, serum ferritin levels and outcomes, heparin therapy, and WHO strategy for global vaccination.

In COVID-19 clinical update #83, Daniel Griffin discusses upcoming FDA discussions on vaccines, strategies to prevent transmission at youth camps, outbreaks at summer camps, impact of vaccination on transmission, AZD7442 request for EUA filed, EUA issued for home antigen test, phase 3 data on AZD1222 vaccine, 6 month effectiveness of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, estimates of durability of immunity against reinfection, Molnupiravir interim results, optimal time for monoclonal antibody infusion, IVIG plus Infliximab for MIS-C, and effect of vaccination on long COVID.