TWiV 516: HUSH little virus, don’t you transcribe

October 21, 2018

HUSHLonya and Jeremy take the TWiV team beTWIXt primate immunodeficiency virus proteins Vpx and Vpr and how they counteract transcriptional repression of proviruses by the HUSH complex.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson DespommierRich ConditKathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker

Guests: Leonid Yorkovetskiy and Jeremy Luban

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Weekly Science Picks 1:44:39

Brianne – The Chimp and the River by David Quammen
Rich – James Cook’s First Voyage Journal (20 sec Google Earth summary)
KathyHigh resolution Antarctica map NYTimes 46MB Maps  (more info and 43 tb maps)
Jeremy – Pictorial Guide to Living Primates; All The World’s Primates
Lonya – Chougui et al. HIV-2/SIV Vpx counters HUSH
Vincent – Research!America

Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees.

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2 comments on “TWiV 516: HUSH little virus, don’t you transcribe

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