Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Kathy Spindler
Tre TWiV amici present three snippets and a side of sashimi: how herpesvirus inhibits host cell gene expression by disrupting transcription termination.
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Links for this episode
- Searching for Steamer in the oceans
- Lassa fever death in NJ (CDC and NYTimes) 7:30
- Transgenic mouse model for MERS-CoV (J Virol) 14:35
- First West Nile virus disease case in Texas 17:25
- Herpesvirus disrupts host transcription termination (Nat Comm) 20:30
- Sashimi plots 44:00
- Broad benefits of measles virus immunization (TWiM #104) 54:35
- Avian influenza outbreak (NPR) 57:40
- The virome in health and disease (Immunity) 1:02:50
- Image credit
- Letters read on TWiV 339 1:20, 54:05
Timestamps by Jennifer. Thank you!
Weekly Science Picks 1:29:50
Alan – Fooling millions into thinking chocolate helps weight loss
Kathy – Approaching Pluto
Vincent – ASM Agar art contest
Listener Pick of the Week
Daniel – FB pages you need to stop sharing from (one and two)
Ken – Bird box science (canceled)
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to
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