Steven writes: Hi TWIVers, I’m sure by now you’ve received a number of alternate virus names based upon the suggestion of Professor Henzy at Northeastern.  Here’s a few more: Measles can be Weisselbergs Mumps can…

Dee writes: You’ve spoken of double blind random trials, showing ineffectiveness of Ivermectin and also its worsening outcomes.  But Lancet also posted trials of Ivermectin’s  efficiency (taken early after a Cov2 pos test). I know…

Karen writes: Referencing TWIV 776. Your insurance company will not want to pay an additional administrative fee for a vaccine “top-off” not FDA approved.  Expect a claim denial if your J&J was run through your…

TWiV reviews evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccination of both uninfected and previously infected persons elicits cross-variant neutralizing antibodies, and directed evolution of a bacterial protein to form a virus-like capsid that specifically packages its encoding mRNA.

Kerry writes: Daniel: I really appreciate your extremely helpful TWIV commentaries, from the quotes to the emails. I’ve treated over 1500 Covid patients in our telephone clinic in Southern California through the nightmare of last…

Sarah writes: Dear TWIV team, It has been a tough year for anyone who thinks of Public Health.  I suppose if you dismiss Public Health out of hand, maybe it has been a good year…

Anthony writes: When I saw the announcement, I didn’t know quite what to expect.  I’d heard LG here and there over the past year and there was a tendency to a lack of focus.  On…

TWiV reviews an analysis of animal sales from Wuhan wet markets before the COVID-19 pandemic, control of dengue by release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes, and fatal dengue acquired in Florida.

Mark writes: Dear Dr. Griffin, Thank you for your continuing efforts to educate the world about clinical issues related to Covid, as well as your work with infectious diseases in developing countries.  I wanted to…