TWiV reviews models for determining correlates of neutralizing antibody protection against COVID-19, and for identifying key vector and host species that drive transmission of zoonotic pathogens.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker
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Links for this episode
- Correlate of protection needed for COVID-19 vaccines (Nat Med) 4:27
- Neutralizing antibodies predict protection against symptomatic COVID-19 (Nat Med) 16:03
- Host and vector importance for Ross River virus (eLife) 55:32
- Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count (NY Times) 1:46:58
- Letters read on TWiV 799 1:27:59
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
Weekly Picks 1:58:07
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Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees
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What would you say to those healthcare workers who don’t want to get vaccinated because they already had COVID-19 and had little symptoms?