On a TWiV tetramer, we review the ongoing outbreaks of Ebolavirus disease in DRC and Guinea, evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infections in children are far more prevalent than are being detected, and recent long COVID estimates from the UK.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Alan Dove, and Brianne Barker
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Links for this episode
- Ebolavirus disease outbreak continues in Africa (ProMedMail) 6:20, 16:28
- List of Ebolavirus outbreaks (Wikipedia) 9:28
- Ebolavirus genome sequences from Guinea (virological) 13:53
- Bias in reporting on childhood SARS-CoV-2 infections (Clinical Inf Dis) 23:46
- Estimated SARS-CoV-2 prevalence <18 years (MMWR) 48:35
- Estimated burden of SARS-CoV-2 by age group (CDC) 1:01:32
- UK long COVID estimates (pdf) 56:00
- Space Shuttle fly-by Vincent’s office (YouTube) 46:28
- Letters read on TWiV 731 1:05:05
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
Weekly Picks 1:35:36
Brianne – Who Would Kidnap a Space Telescope?
Alan – Radio Garden
Rich – Countries with more obesity have had more covid deaths on average
Vincent – Concord Aerospace
Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees
Send your virology questions and comments to twiv@microbe.tv
Many thanks for the discussion on obesity. We have a high rate in the UK and I need to be able to raise it with patients without making them feel uncomfortable. Taking a science based approach and pointing out that everyone, including thin people, have adipose tissue, seems to help, Early humans would have found it difficult to walk out of Africa and explore new places to settle without it. Besides which, it is a really interesting tissue!
Jo (physiotherapist)
Dear TWiV team, I’ve written before to exclaim loudly my appreciation for all you do, but could not WAIT to tell you how much I love Alan’s pick – radiogarden!!! I have been listening to podcasts in Japanese to keep my language skills up, but now I can go to Russia, Denmark, Scotland, Mongolia, Japan (of course!)…Oh man! You unleashed a new obsession! I’m a freelance epidemiologist and medical writer, mother of two boys who play ice hockey, and I’ve spent the pandemic trying to be useful to the hard-working clinicians who are producing med-ed updates on covid, as well as supporting our hockey director with developing protocols to keep the kids and parents safe during the hockey season. Thank you so much for your excellent and detailed information! I loved biology and virology in college, and your shows are the most incredible lectures. Thank you SO very much for your time, Please don’t change a thing!
Alli Krug, MPH
This is not super related, but recently I have been pointed to an open letter and interview written/talked about by Geert Vanden Bossche warning about viral immune escape and mass vaccination?
Would love any direction and insight into his thoughts/ideas.
I am also trying find discussions by virologists on Geert Vanden Bossche`s letter and was hoping to hear about it discussed on TWIV.
I may be mistaken but I believe you can also put webcast “radio’ on radio garden. You could stream TWIv on radio garden 24-7.