In this mid-week edition, identifying flawed research before it becomes dangerous, Michigan governor tells America to mask-up, Pfizer mRNA vaccine gets $1.95 billion from Warp Speed, preliminary phase I/II results of the ChAdOx1 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, answers to listener questions.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler, and Brianne Barker
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Links for this episode
- US COVID-19 cases (NY Times) 3:45
- Identify flawed research before it is dangerous (NY Times) 5:07
- Mask up, America! (NY Times) 16:34
- $1.95 billion to Pfizer (NY Times) 19:44
- Phase I trial of Pfizer mRNA vaccine (medRxiv) 52:08
- Phase I/II trial of ChAdOx1 vaccine (Lancet) 24:15
- Rockefeller Foundation testing plan 59:40
- TWiV 640 on MedCram 58:30
- Letter drafts for $1 testing 57:50, 1:23:16
- Letters read on TWiV 644 1:01:07
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees
Send your virology questions and comments to
I don’t see the link in the show notes to the YouTube webcram video which was referenced in this episode. It would be useful to add that link in my letter to state and local officials..
Thanks for such informative podcasts
You can search for the medcram channel on youtube. it is Coronavirus Pandemic Update 98 -here’s the link:
Oh. Medcram not webcram.
Dear Twiv educators. You are all a National treasure.
I would like to paraphrase a quote from Senator Barry Goldwater.
I would remind you that GRUMPINESS in the defense of GOOD PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY is no vice. And let me remind you also that TOLERANCE of poor political leadership is no virtue.
Thanks for all you do.
We started watching your Virology 2020 lectures after we got restricted to our cottage in a retirement community. We had to watch it twice before we began to understand. My husband has a PhD in physics, and I have an MLS, but Virology was really pushing it for us. When I noticed that TWIV was required for your students, we started watching. We love it and have learned so much. After the Michael Mina podcast, I decided to write my Senators and Rep. to urge them to prompt FDA to authorize the test Dr. Mina researched. I don’t know if it accomplished anything but I had to do something.
We also watch MEDCRAM. Did you know they mentioned you?
You mentioned on an earlier podcast that you didn’t understand why the US did not go with the metric system. The abortive try to switch was when I was teaching Jr. High math class. The trouble was they wanted to reach kids how to convert F. to C. which is frightening for the mathphobic, confusing and not useful. You just teach kids what their body measurement is in C., how much milk to get at the store in C. and what C. temp. is when you need a coat.
Love you guys but think Vincent should not open the panel discussions up to the Zoom audience. It would amount to a lower signal-to-noise ratio. Love listening to several intelligent people who have known and respected each other for a long time have these frequently serious but intimate conversations.
Please don’t become “Talk Radio” with a lot of listeners calling in that overall DON’T add anything meaningful to the conversation.
Thanks again,
Stephen Ripple, M.D. (Until recently a happily retired physician, then COVID happened)
I went looking for the TWIV with Dr Mina so I could listen a second time. It seems to have disappeared. TWIV 640, 639 and earlier are not there. What’ happened?
I’ve been listening since TWIV 598. Just listened to you and Dr Fauci from 2013. What a great episode. Please keep it up. I love it and share it as much as I can.
Thanks, TWiVers, for another great show! Especially for the draft letters that you have provided. These are really useful. I’ll personalize and get one off ASAP to my Minister of Health and to our Provincial Health Officer here in British Columbia, Canada. Hopefully, it will make a difference.
By the way, it is currently 27°C here in Kelowna with sunny skies. That’s 81 °F or 22 on the Rømer scale!
Journalism used to be before you submitted a story you went to the newspaper library where a librarian would give you information on the subject and help you with the facts of the story.
Today if you looking for facts you go online and research facts. Or you do not and just put your beliefs into the story.
Anyone over 60 who figures that wearing a mask is silly then I hope his life insurance policy is up to date. Not wearing a mask is for those younger folks who will usually not die.
Being somewhat a simple mad scientist I wonder if the Gov. of Georgia is willing to allow me experiment on his citizens mainly politicians. I call this strange virus “Foot in the Mouth” some will be immune, others will suffer Hell from this virus.
Something like COVID-19 where some will get a mild flu and others will experience pure Hell when they get sick.
Humans do you not love them.
I’ve been posting links to your podcasts and emailing #640’s link to my state representative and senator and federal senator and rep, but get no response. It seems that they are not paying attention. Hopefully, someone will reach them.