The TWiVerati revisit possible sexual transmission of Zika virus, and reveal how a cell protein that allows hepatitis C virus replication in cell culture enhances vitamin E mediated protection against lipid peroxidation.
Vincent speaks with Stan Lemon about his career in virology, from early work on Epstein Barr virus, through making essential discoveries about hepatitis A virus, hepatitis C virus, and rhinoviruses.
The TWiVers explain how a protein platform assists the hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase to begin the task of making viral genomes.
Lee joins the TWiV team to discuss the value of post-doctoral training, and how a cellular microRNA assists in the replication of hepatitis C virus.
The TWiVodes answer listener email about hantaviruses, antivirals, H1N1 vaccine and narcolepsy, credibility of peer review, Bourbon virus, influenza vaccine, careers in virology, and much more.
The TWiVome dissect the finding that interferon lambda alleles predict the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection.
Vincent and Rich recorded this episode before an audience at the 2nd Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology Symposium at the University of Alberta, where they spoke with Dave, Stan, and Lorne about their work on poxvirus vaccines and recombination, an enveloped picornavirus, antivirals against hepatitis B and C viruses, and supporting virology research in Alberta.
Vincent and Rich meet up with Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Vincent returns to Madison, Wisconsin and meets with postdocs to discuss their science and their careers.
Vincent returns to the Centre for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow and meets with postdocs to discuss their science and their careers.