TWiV 322: Postcards from the edge of the membrane

February 1, 2015

infectious inboxHosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson DespommierAlan Dove, and Kathy Spindler

The TWiVodes answer listener email about hantaviruses, antivirals, H1N1 vaccine and narcolepsy, credibility of peer review, Bourbon virus, influenza vaccine, careers in virology, and much more.

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Weekly Science Picks

Alan – Boom by Tony Horowitz
Kathy – Octopus supermom
Vincent – Virology lectures 2015 (virology blog and YouTube)

Listener Pick of the Week

Paul – Illsville: Fight the Disease
Ramon – Vaccinate! Do it for the testicles
SandraWho can you trust?

Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to

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6 comments on “TWiV 322: Postcards from the edge of the membrane

  1. Gary :-) Feb 8, 2015

    Vincent You has Richard Kessin on Episode 35 and he talked about a lot of history and it was a great show. You said that you would have him to talk more about history and yet I have searched and he is only listed for that on show. Are you ever going to have him back? I will try to write a e-mail as well.

    • ilyas252 Feb 23, 2015

      Hey Gary, remember that gay buddy of yours that you tried to save and he offed himself? I LOL’d at that! I LOL’d hard at you crying that night and that sappy vid you posted LOL !!!

    • Rich does want to return. He’s left Columbia so we’ll have to arrange it with his schedule, but I do want a return visit.

    • Spyda man Aug 22, 2015

      Hey Gary, your 16 year old buddy killed himself LOL, you got upset and blamed it on other people HHAHAHAHA…. He was homosexual, and weak piece of crap! He was a lump of cells who cares!

  2. patricia Aug 3, 2015

    This is not technically about the podcast, but I am looking for quality paintings/pictures of some microbes for my office. Any ideas who sells good ones? You may want to consider on your website. There must be some artists willing to create them!