TWiV 219: Fauci pharmacy

February 10, 2013

Anthony Fauci, MDHosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, and Anthony S. Fauci

Vincent and Rich meet up with Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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13 comments on “TWiV 219: Fauci pharmacy

  1. Thomas Hays Feb 12, 2013

    Fascinating interview. As an MD/PhD student, I’m amazed by Dr. Fauci’s career. There are a lot of lessons here for people interested in the physician-scientist track.

  2. Loved the “yeah right” at the end! 🙂

  3. devyempr Feb 18, 2013

    This is one of the most interesting podcasts/interviews I’ve heard! I love TWiV and I’m hoping to get others at my work to listen to the podcast.

  4. MineMan Feb 22, 2013

    Is there a “functional cure” or is there not?
    What can we expect to come out of CROI?
    It seems that Sangamo Biosciences HIV trials are exactly that, a road to a “functional cure”.
    Are thee other therapeutics inclinical trials that show thesame potential?
    What about the use of Sangamo zinc finger technology for other diseases, monogenetic diseases inparticular?
    These are exciting times.

  5. Deception Exposed Jan 14, 2014

    Anthony Fauci may look good here, Anthony Fauci is not a very nice man, In the 80’s he ignored HIV/AIDS patients just like he is ignoring another epidemic right now in which he was quoted “hates” by a friend of his. Fauci Pharmacy- in Bensonhurst Brooklyn, an interesting place, one of the centers of illegal activity… I wonder if his fathers connection to a certain type of people/family got him into medical school…

    • Queejeebo Aug 28, 2020

      I wonder if this post is truly from 2014 or engineered to look older than 2020?

  6. Tom Steinberg Jul 19, 2020

    I listened to TwiV 641 this morning. There was commentary regarding Dr. Faucis’ 2013 TWiV, and it’s a well worth a listen. And that final question: “What keeps you up at night?”, Sure enough, concerns over emerging novel pathogens, including musing about Coronavirus.