The TWiV team reveals the protein corona that surrounds virus particles and influences infectivity and amyloid aggregation, and a proofreading-impaired herpesvirus that produces quasispecies-like populations.
The TWiV team discusses Medusavirus, isolated from a hot spring in Japan, and induction of hallmarks of neurodegeneration by recurrent herpes simplex virus 1 infection of mice.
In the first episode for 2019, the TWiV team reviews the amazing virology stories of the past year.
The TWiVomers review a potential role for herpes simplex virus type 1 as a cause of Alzheimer’s Disease, including the finding that amyloid-beta acts as an antiviral by enveloping virus particles.
The TWiV hosts review persistence of Ebola virus after the end of the Liberian outbreak, and the potential role of two herpesviruses in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Vincent and Dick continue virology 101 with a discussion of virus entry into cells, then answer reader email on colony collapse disorder and viruses that confer a benefit to their host.