Philip Minor writes: Happy New Year! Andy sent me the TWIV thing which I thought was pretty good. I am less used to reasonable discussions than I used to be or would like to be,…

The TWiVologists discuss the finding of a second transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils, and development of new poliovirus strains for the production of inactivated vaccine in the post-eradication era.

Rich writes: Twiveroonies, It is the morning after recording TWiV 368. In Sunriver it is 30 F (-1 C) , overcast with some sun expected, and thankfully very little additional precipitation in the forecast. I…

Ken writes: Hi Vincent and Co. (there must be a better term for a group of virologists, a plaque of virologists perhaps?). A couple of quick comments on TWiV 367: First, great to hear Coyne…

Ajinkya writes: Dear Vincent, I hope this email finds you well. I have been an avid listener of TWIV and enjoy your podcasts very much. I am also a recent graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago…

Justin writes: FDA approves first-of-its-kind product for the treatment of melanoma Stephanie writes: Can I offer a snippet for today?  I have an influenza paper to share! This paper is a PLOS pathogens paper…

Vincent visits the University of Michigan where he and Kathy speak with Michael, Adam, and Akira about polyomaviruses, virus evolution, and virus assembly, on the occasion of naming the department of Microbiology & Immunology a Milestones in Microbiology site.

Peter writes: Dear TWiV team Regarding Steven’s letter to TWiV 353 about possible lab leaks caused by damage to buildings. There was a foot and mouth outbreak in the UK in 2007 due to contamination…

Fiona writes: Firstly, we would like to thank you for the segment on the current debate as to the mechanism of how viruses can become attenuated through wholescale genome modification. We really appreciated the comments…