Suzanne writes: Your conversation reminded me that I’ve heard people say they can smell some cancers. Usually lung cancer and usually on someone’s breath. My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer several years ago and…

Fernando writes: Hi TWiV team, I was rather disappointed that TWiV 321 tiptoed around what is really going on in the discourse around “gain of function” experiments. You and your gracious guest failed to state…

Laura writes: Hi Twiv team, I was alarmed to see that Mark Lipsitch published his views on “potentially pandemic pathogens” in Scientific American. It is too bad that the readers are getting only one side…

Sandra writes: Home sick today and watching (via internet) the NAS symposium on GOF. Caught part of Yoshihiro Kawaoka’s presentation and was VERY impressed – the data cited, his logical reasoning and how succinct he…

Ken Stedman writes: Hi Vincent, Thanks for the TWiV bump for my talk at ASV next summer, looking forward to it.  Also thanks for the plug for the Phage book (I wrote a “guest” chapter.),…

Christiane Wobus writes: My take on this question is that bacteria promote but are not absolutely required for virus infection. GF mice have M cells and our data in vitro shows that MNV can be transcytosed by…

Stephanie Karst writes: Hi TWiV Team, I’m so honored that you discussed my group’s norovirus paper last week. I wanted to touch on a few points that came up and provide a bit more context….