The TWiPpers of the bite fantastic solve the case of the Indian Man Who Hiked, and discuss the effects of schistosome soluble egg antigen on infection of lymphocytes with HIV-1.
The TWiP’ers solve the case of the Sudanese Boy With Fever, and reveal antibodies that slow invasion of red blood cells potentiate other malaria-blocking antibodies
The TWiPloid organisms solve the case of the Doctor with Chronic Epigastric Pain, and reveal how levels of linoleic acid in the intestine enable the sexual cycle of Toxoplasma gondii in cats.
The podcastellani hosts solve the case of the Sailor With Dysentery, and reveal the first virus discovered in Plasmodium species.
The metacyclic TWiPomastigotes solve the case of the Child With a Painless Leg Lesion, and reveal how to kill mosquitoes with a genetically modified fungus.
The Leishmaniacs solve the case of the Child With Band Keratopathy, and reveal a eukaryotic parasite with functional mitochondria but without mitochondrial genomes.
The TWiPlicates solve the case of the Child With Retinal Granuloma, and discuss an association of the complement protein collectin-11 with the pathophysiology of Chagas disease.
The TriTWiPomonads solve the case of the Child Who Passed a Worm, and reveal recombination between bovine and human schistosome species.
The Tremendous Trio solve the case of the Woman With Steatorrhea, and reveal breakdown of the glycocalyx associated with severe and fatal malaria.
The Podfessors solve the case of the Teenager With Swollen Scrotum, and continue the story arc of Daniel’s favorite cells, B-1 cells, and their association with protective immune responses in human Chagas disease.