Immune 37: Black in Immuno

November 16, 2020

Alexis, Joel, Elaine, Justine, and Evonne join Immune to discuss their careers, their research, and a platform created by a collective of Black immunologists and allies aimed at amplifying, celebrating and supporting Black voices in immunology.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Stephanie Langel, Cynthia Leifer, and Brianne Barker

Guests: Alexis Mobley, Joel Babdor, Elaine Kouame, Justine Noel, Evonne Jean

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Music by Steve Neal.
Immune logo image by Blausen Medical

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One comment on “Immune 37: Black in Immuno

  1. Darice Davis Nov 29, 2020

    My heart was warmed to see my fav science podcast, TWIV, reach out to budding Black scientists. Having been raised by two Black scientists (my Dad and my Therapist), I heard and saw their challenges/struggles in medicine and social science as they lived/studied coast-to-coast. So, I have a unique seat as a child of — I can say the Black scientists (and other professionals) are often unsung heroes and heroines in their communities!
    I am grateful you were moved to not only host this wonderful panel, but you engaged with them. As they each reported, and as you each know from your own backgrounds, too, no one is successful by themselves. Mentors, advocates, advisors, networks are absolutely critical components to achievement! We all benefit when we come together!