Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit
The TWiV team reviews the discovery of old vials of smallpox virus at NIH, anthrax and influenza mishaps at CDC, the baby who was not cured of HIV, Cambridge Working Group, and sacking of NSABB members.
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Links for this episode
- Newly discovered smallpox (CDC)
- Infectious smallpox in FDA storage (FDA)
- Report on potential anthrax exposure (pdf, CDC)
- CDC Director on unsafe practices (NY Times)
- HIV returns to baby (NY Times)
- Original HIV baby cured article (NEJM)
- Cambridge Working Group
- NSABB members released (ScienceInsider)
- Letters read on TWiV 294
Weekly Science Picks
Alan – Optivisor
Rich – Noller lab ribosome movies
Vincent – Creepy dreadful wonderful parasites
Dickson – National Center for Science Education
Listener Pick of the Week
Mark – The Machinery of Life by David Goodsell
Basel – iBioEducation
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to
Hi all, long time TWiV listener and fan here…. Just wanted to let you all know the link to CDC Anthrax report is not working.
I found what I think it is the updated one below:
Rightists, McCarthyism, and the Tea Party? Are you kidding me? Sounds like he is really concerned. Maybe he should find out the facts instead of wildly tossing out such things. It’s so disheartening to hear discourse reduced to this and that it has even reached into this podcast.