TWiV reviews the appearance of poliovirus in Europe, mystery disease in DRC, global burden of Chikungunya, viruses of parasitic nematodes that induce antibody responses in vertebrate hosts, and picobirnaviruses, do they infect eukaryotes or prokaryotes?…

William Summers joins the TWiV team to discuss some virology history, including the ever-changing concept of ‘virus’ and the contribution of phage research to the study of animal viruses

The TWiV team travels to Texas A&M University, home of the Center for Phage Technology, where they speak with Ry Young and Jason Gill about their work on viruses that infect bacteria.

The TWiV four discuss an mRNA-based influenza vaccine, and a phage tubulin that forms a filamentous array in the host cell that is needed for positioning viral DNA.

Vincent and Rich answer listener questions on viruses and gluten allergy, RNA silencing, influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, manicure salons, and the koala tea of Marseilles.