TWiV reviews avian H5N1 influenza virus in the US, measles at highest levels in England, positive selection underlies repeated knockout of ORF8 in SARS-CoV-2 evolution, and cross-species spill-over potential of the H9N2 bat influenza A virus.

TWiV discusses efficacy of this season’s flu vaccine, efficacy of Pfizer RSV vaccine, nOPV2 in the US, dengue in Peru, measles in Michigan and Indiana, how coordinated inflammatory responses dictate control of Marburg virus by reservoir bats, and tRNA acquisition in phages driven by degradation of host translational machinery.

TWiV reviews resurgence of Lassa fever in West Africa, at least 3 paralytic cases of cVDPV2 in Zimbabwe, CWD from eating prion-laden plants, measles in New Orleans and Broward County Florida, failure of Florida Surgeon General to support vaccination, a measles variant in Switzerland, SARS-CoV-2 persistent infections, leaky blood-brain-barrier for long COVID brain fog, West Nile virus transmitted among mosquitoes by the excreta, and viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes.

TWiV reviews a fatal Alaskapox case, MERS in Kenya, diagnostic tests for Nipah and Lassa diseases, HPV vaccination rates in the US, cases of measles in Arizona and Minnesota, hepatitis C virus-derived RNA circles in infected cells, and prevention of respiratory virus transmission by resident memory CD8+ T cells.

TWiV reviews rhinovirus complications in infants, a new influenza antiviral drug, Oropouche fever in Brazil, measles in Maryland and Ohio, effect of eliminating non-medical vaccine exemptions in NY, foot-and-mouth disease in Europe, severe primary and secondary dengue infections, and therapeutic mitigation of measles-like immune amnesia and exacerbated disease after prior respiratory virus infections.

TWiV reviews measles outbreaks in England and Europe, 2 fatal Nipah virus cases in Bangladesh, yellow fever outbreak in Sudan, and discuss how the type of immunodeficiency influences the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and programming of alveolar macrophages by intestinal bacteria that influences severity of respiratory viral infection.

Nina Martin joins the TWiV team to talk about the movie Vaxxed, her bout with dengue fever, and the latest research on Zika virus.