Anne writes: Hello a Prof. Racaniello and team, A link with comprehensive info about COVID-19, if you haven’t already posted it. Regards, Anne Volker writes: Dear TWIV and TWiEVO experts, here are my current…

Maxim writes: Dear TWIV team, As pretty much everyone knows, cleaning your hands regularly with soap or hand sanitizer is as far as I understand, the best way to prevent yourself from catching COVID-19 and…

Chia-Wei writes: Hello TWIVer, I want to make a quick comments on Kathy’s questions on PPE.  She mentioned there are huge Chinese characters in front of the doc’s PPE and wondering what they are.  Those…

The TWiV team returns this week to SARS-CoV-2019 coverage to review the latest epi curves, the fatality rate, furin cleavage site and receptor binding domain in the spike glycoprotein, related CoV recovered from pangolins, evidence that the virus did not escape from a laboratory, and many more questions sent in by listeners.

Oliver writes: If you haven’t seen this yet, it is the largest data set published so far from China on n-CoV-whatever-its-name-is-now (72,314 cases).  It has more detailed age distribution data and epi. curves than I’ve…

This Week in Virology (TWiV) is a podcast about viruses. It began in September 2008 with Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier, two science professors at Columbia University Medical Center. Their goal was to have an…