Christina from Glasgow returns to help the TWiPlets solve the case of the Ghanian Woman with Abdominal Mass, followed by discussion of the impact of COVID-19 on malaria morbidity and mortality in Africa.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin
Guest: Christina Naula
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- COVID-19 effects on malaria in Africa (Lancet)
- Hero: Clark Read
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Case Study for TWiP 190
Male, 50 yo, rural NC, suddenly notices blurred vision right eye. Went away 1 hr later, normal vision. Returned next night, same eye, then corrected. Went to local doctor, sent to larger med center, went to Presbyterian Hospital NYC. Had exposure to various animals, normal diet. Dickson and Dr. Brown went to see this gentleman. Examined by head of ophthalmology dept. Dickson looked through ophthalmoscope and saw cause of his blurred vision in anterior chamber of eye. Next morning when were going to remove it, had penetrated optic nerve and disappeared. Sent home and never heard from again. Made living by selling hunting dogs, ran a kennel.
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Music by Ronald Jenkees