TWiM explores the use of a bacterial protein to make highly conductive microbial nanowires, and how modulin proteins seed the formation of amyloid, a key component of S. aureus biofilms.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Elio Schaechter, Michele Swanson, and Michael Schmidt
Right click to download TWiM #232 (40 MB .mp3, 55 minutes)
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Links for this episode
- Amyloid formation for S. aureus biofilms (eLife)
- Highly conductive microbial nanowires (Nat Chem Biol)
- Uncovering Nature’s electronics (Nature)
- Activating Nature’s electrical grid (Bioeng)
- Bacterial that exhale electricity (SyFyWire)
- Microbial transistors (TWiM 14)
- Letters read on TWiM 232
Music used on TWiM is composed and performed by Ronald Jenkees and used with permission.
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Hi Vincent, just want to let you know, it looks like you re-uploaded the audio for TWiM 231 here.
Thanks so much for all the work and care that goes into all your podcasts – incredibly generous of you!
Excuse me, but the play control plays TWiM 231 instead of TWiM 232. I thought I was having Deja Vue.
I missed this since you began putting the others on YouTube. Others might not know to look for TWiM here.