Dickson travels to indoor farm Gotham Greens in Brooklyn, New York to speak with Co-founder and CEO Viraj Puri.
Daniel joins Dickson and Vincent to talk about the Vertical Farm Institute, which provides advice and planning on the design and construction of indoor farms.
Dickson and Vincent speak with Robert Colangelo, founding farmer and CEO of Green Sense Farms, the world’s largest commercial indoor vertical farm.
Dickson defines the term ‘vertical farm’: a high-tech greenhouse that is stacked on top of itself, transforming it into a multi-story growing space.
Dickson and Vincent speak with Professor Gene Giacomelli about his work on controlled environment plant production systems research, design, development and applications.
Dickson and Vincent speak with Ed and Danielle Horton from Urban Produce, which uses a high-density vertical indoor growing system which they hope to implement all over the world.
Dickson and Vincent review recent developments in indoor farming, and catch up with the backlog of listener questions and comments.
Dickson and Vincent review recent entrants into the growing discipline of urban agriculture.
Dickson and Vincent speak with the founders of Vertical Harvest, an indoor farm in Jackson, Wyoming.
Dickson and Vincent visit AeroFarms, an indoor farm in Newark, NJ and speak with Chief Science Officer Ed Harwood and Chief Marketing Officer Mark Oshima.