Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit
Vincent, Alan, and Rich answer listener questions about lab procedures, prokaryotes, endogenous retroviruses, the iPad and teaching, prions, mimivirus, splitting water with viruses, and the polio outbreak in Tajikistan.
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Links for this episode:
- Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
- SIGA responds to BARDA request for smallpox antiviral
- BARDA contract for filovirus vaccine
- What is a Ph.D? (pdf)
- HHMI resources for early career scientists
- Pace article on abandoning prokaryote (Nature)
- Three domains of life (Forterre article)
- Mechanoenzymatic cleavage of Von Willebrand’s factor (Science)
- Splitting water with viruses
- WHO coverage on Tajikstan polio outbreak
- Wild type polio infection in immunized Indian children (JID)
- Letters read on TWiV 93
Weekly Science Picks
Alan – Southern Fried Science
Rich – Tree of Life web project
Vincent – Dickson Despommier at Big Think
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