Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit
The TWiVsters discuss Frederick Novy’s return from retirement to recover a lost rat virus, and evidence for persistence of Ebolavirus in semen.
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Links for this episode
- Frederick Novy and the rat virus (Ann Int Med) 18:20
- The rat virus (J Inf Dis) 22:55
- Recovery of the rat virus (J Inf Dis) 35:20
- Ebola sitrep 42:25
- Meningitis in Glaswegian Ebolavirus nurse (ProMedMail, Medscape) 45:40
- Sexual transmission of Ebolavirus (NEJM) 50:25
- Ebolavirus RNA persistence in semen (NEJM) 1:04:25
- Airplane banner falls into Hudson River (jpg)
- Image credit
- Letters read on TWiV 361 7:25, 1:13:25
This episode is sponsored by ASM Education: ASM MOOC 3:50
Timestamps by Jennifer. Thanks!
Weekly Science Picks 1:27:05
Alan – Sticky
Rich – Arthur C. Clarke predicts the Internet (so did Vannevar Bush)
Dickson – Nikon Small World Photomicrography winners
Vincent – Pat Schloss on microbiome initiative
Listener Picks
Awkward Skeptic – 16 year old wins Google prize for detecting Ebolavirus
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