Host: Vincent Racaniello
Guests: Ruth Jarrett, Glen Nemerow, and Esther Schnettler
At the Glasgow Science Festival microTALKS, Vincent speaks with Ruth, Glen, and Esther about their research on viruses and Hodgkin lymphoma, adenovirus structure and entry into cells, and interactions between arthropod borne viruses and their hosts.
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Links for this episode
- Glasgow Science Festival microTALKS
- Hodgkin lymphoma (Histopath) 8:00
- HHV-6 and Hodgkin lymphoma (PLoS One) 18:45
- Adenovirus entry (PLoS Path) 35:30
- Adenovirus membrane penetration (Virology) 41:40
- Mosquito pathways that limit CHIK replication (PLoS Negl Trop Dis) 25:45
- Tick antiviral RNAi (Nucl Acids Res)
- Video of this episode – view below or at YouTube
Timestamps by Jennifer. Thank you!
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