Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Kathy Spindler
Guest: Tara C. Smith
Tara Smith joins the TWiEBOVsters to discuss the Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa, spread of the disease to and within the US, transmission of the virus, and much more.
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This episode of TWiV is brought to you by the Department of Microbiology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Links for this episode
- Science communications fellow at ASM
- Nation turns to science (New Yorker)
- CDC employees in West Africa (CDC)
- UN botched Ebola response (AP)
- Ebola czar (CNN)
- Ebola vaccine and budget cuts (HuffPo)
- Collins’ ridiculous meme (NOT junk)
- How to quarantine against Ebola (Mukherjee)
- Ebola fear in Heartland (Tara Smith)
- Massive mutations in Ebola virus (PunditFact)
- Ebola airport screening (CDC)
- What is contact tracing? (video) (CDC)
- Inside MSF Ebola unit (YouTube)
- Ebola tech bulletin (DuPont)
- HAI controversies
- Letters read on TWiV 307
Weekly Science Picks
Alan – Fall foliage map
Kathy – Interviews with Peter Piot (one, two) and autobiography
Vincent – The Ebola connection
Listener Pick of the Week
Brooke – N.B. Designs on Etsy
Victor – SMBC
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to
they are still checking the contacts (almost) each day for 21 days,
as can be seen in the (almost) daily situation reports:
Sierra Leone:
total contacts currently being followed in Sierra Leone: 10205
contacts seen and healthy in the last 24h in Sierra Leone: 9946
contacts seen and ill in the last 24h in Sierra Leone: 32
contacts currently under follow-up in Liberia: 7052
contacts seen on Oct.13 in Liberia: 6750
5.6 contacts per suspected case in average in Sierra Leone
3.9 contacts per suspected case in average in Liberia
I couldn’t understand Tara Smith so well.
Vincent’s voice is best for me to understand
(as a German)
why do people write letters and emails instead of discussing here directly ?
can someone please summarize the content of the article pubblished in the NYpost (well “article” is a wrong word for anything published there)? Is it the classic “conspiration” article or what?
Tara might appreciate this comic I saw today 🙂