Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Kathy Spindler
The TWiV team discusses transmission of Ebola virus, and inhibition of Borna disease virus replication by viral DNA in the ground squirrel genome.
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This episode of TWiV is brought to you by the Department of Microbiology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Links for this episode
- 2014 Ebola virus outbreak at Healthmap
- Ebola virus transmission from bodily fluids and fomites (JID)
- Value of gain of function experiments (mBio)
- Rich Condit in the Washington Post on Ebola virus
- NPR on Ebola virus transmission
- What we are not afraid to say about Ebola virus (virology blog)
- Inhibition of Borna disease virus by an endogenous element (PNAS)
- Bornavirus at ViralZone
- Photo: Thirteen-lined ground squirrel (image credit)
- Letters read on TWiV 303
Weekly Science Picks
Alan – Photogrammar
Kathy – Refrigerate your tomatoes?
Dickson – Robot swarm
Vincent – The Beginner’s guide to winning the Nobel Prize by Peter Doherty
Listener Pick of the Week
Dee – Publish scientific research faster on TWiST
Basel – Lego microscope (vote for it)
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to
06:20 self programming robots
08:30 Ebola
11:37 letter prof Michigan
13:23 letter pigs fly
15:30 letter
17:30: healthmap…/ebola , cdc,who ebola
19:22 Dallas
22:20 Australian rabbit
25:00 rabies aerosole ?
30:10 cambridge predicting group
33:30 Cassadeval,Imperiale mbio an epistomological perspective …
35:00 aerosole transmission definition
flu:3 modes: “contact”,”droplet”>5micron,”airborne”don’t settle to ground)
42:40 paper Borna virus