Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Kathy Spindler
Vincent, Alan, and Kathy discuss how coagulation factor X binding to adenovirus activates the innate immune system, and a novel polyomavirus associated with brain tumors in raccoons.
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Links for this episode:
- Coagulation factor X activates innate immunity to adenovirus (Science)
- A decorated virus cannot hide (Science)
- FX binding sites on hexon (Blood)
- Engineering adenoviruses for gene therapy (YouTube)
- Reflecting on goals for Science
- Polyomavirus associated with raccoon brain tumors (EID)
- Moore tumor viruses – TWiV 160
- Treating CLL with lentivirus vectors (NEJM)
- Letters read on TWiV 214
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Alan – Parasite of the Day
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