TWiV 200: Threading the NEIDL

September 23, 2012

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan DoveRich Condit, Elke Mühlberger, Paul Duprex, and Ron Corley

Vincent, Alan, and Rich celebrate the 200th episode of TWiV by visiting the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Boston University Medical Center, where they meet with Elke, Paul, and Ron to talk about building and working in a BSL4 facility.

Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV 200 (72 MB .mp3, 100 minutes).

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Weekly Science Picks

Alan – Dance your Ph.D.
Rich – Angel of Death by Gareth Williams
– Why herpesvirus is good for you (Virgin lab)

Listener Pick of the Week

Luis – VBORNET maps

Send your virology questions and comments to

TWiV Team in BSL4 suits

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12 comments on “TWiV 200: Threading the NEIDL

  1. Where’s the video of you donning and doffing?

    • The video is coming! Takes a long time to edit.
      Doffing? Do you think TWiV is kinky or something 🙂 ?

      • any news about the video? 🙂


        • Video is in the last stages of editing, and we plan to release it by the end of January.

          • You recommend the suit up video often. But you do not say it is not TWIV 200 (the picture for which has the suits that are not apart of 200 video). Please add that the suiting up video is in the show notes of TWIV 200.

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