Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, and Alan Dove
Vincent, Rich, and Alan discuss a method for identifying viruses of individual environmental bacteria, and the using a picornavirus for oncotherapy.
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Links for this episode:
- Probing individual bacteria for their viruses (Science)
- Looking in vivo at virus-bacterium interactions (ScienceDaily)
- Integrated fluidic circuit (Fluidigm)
- Oncotherapy with Seneca Valley Virus (Clin Cancer Res)
- Epidemiology of Seneca Valley virus (pdf)
- Senecavirus at ViralZone
- Small cell lung cancer (NCBI)
- ECOG performance status
- TWiV on Facebook
- Letters read on TWiV 142
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Oinkotheraphy? Is that what they use against the swine flu?
I noticed that Peter Palese has a joint paper on oncolytic Newcastle disease virus, although it’s behind a paywall: