Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, and Welkin Johnson
The complete TWiV crew teams up with Welkin Johnson to explore the other AIDS epidemic, infection of monkeys with simian immunodeficiency virus, and its restriction by the cellular protein TRIM5.
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Links for this episode:
- Edwin Kilbourne, MD, 1920-2011
- Evolution of TRIM5-CypA in Old World monkeys (PLoS Pathogens)
- Balancing selection and evolution of Old World TRIM5 (PNAS)
- TRIM5 and cross-species transmission of a primate retrovirus (PLoS Biology)
- Infectious retrovirus in pet vaccines (J Virology)
- TWiV on Facebook
- Letters read on TWiV 122
Weekly Science Picks
Welkin – Supramap
Dickson – Science issue on visualizing data
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Vincent – US Supreme Court decision on vaccine litigation (NY Times)
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Ummmm…. ah, homeopathy has nothing in it! At least vaccines have active ingredients. Homeopathic remedies are often diluted to one part diluted to 10^60 parts of solvent (pretty much all of the atoms in this solar system, and more):