Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Andrew Baker, Karl-Klaus Conzelmann, Peter Palese, and Katharina Eisenächer
A conversation about the RNA sensor RIG-I, adenovirus gene therapy, a universal influenza vaccine, and rabies virus, recorded in Munich, Germany at the SFB455 symposium ‘Viral offense and immune defense’.
Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV #102 (67 MB .mp3, 95 minutes)
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Links for this episode:
- SFB455 Symposium scientific program
- Letters read on TWiV 102
- Virologists having fun (YouTube video)
- Video of this episode – view above or at YouTube
Weekly Science Picks
Katharina – Deutsches Museum
Vincent – HHMI holiday lectures on science (thanks Judi!)
Send your virology questions and comments to
Great episode.
And thanks for the great answer to my influenza question. It turns out, though, that about 2 days after I submitted that question I made it to your Virus Assembly lecture on iTunes U, and you cleared it up very well in the lecture.
It’s really interesting how sophisticated viruses can be when you don’t expect it.
It’s ok that you got the answer to your question before we read it on
this episode – remember that thousands of others are also learning.
TWiV is not just for one person.