Vincent travels to Québec City, Canada and the 11th Aquatic Virus Workshop, where he speaks with Fred Aylward and Jed Furman about the research of their laboratories on the ecology and evolution of aquatic viruses and their microbial communities.
From The Third International Symposium on Infectious Diseases of Bats in Ft. Collins, Colorado, TWiV speaks with Vincent Munster and Raina Plowright about their careers and their research on bats, bat viruses, bat ecology and spillover events.
Vincent and Rich return to the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston to speak with Dennis Bente, Shannan Rossi, Nikos Vasilakis, and Scott Weaver about their work on viruses transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks.
Vincent and Alan travel to Tufts Veterinary School where they meet up with members of the Runstadler lab to talk about their work on influenza virus circulation in water birds and seals.
Vinny and the capsids answer listener questions about the definition of life, state vaccination laws, the basic science funding problem, viral ecology, inactivation of viruses by pressure, and much more.