TWiP reviews a study showing that the gut microbiota is essential for suppression of colitis by Trichinella spiralis. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Daniel Griffin, and Christina Naula Click arrow to playDownload TWiP #250 (75 MB .mp3, 522…
Vincent and Daniel solve the case of the Panamanian Farmer with Three Weeks of Diarrhea, and discuss how microbes egested during bites of sand flies exacerbate the severity of leishmaniasis.
The TWiPtoids solve the case of the Man from India with a Neck Lump, and explore the role of a transmissible dysbiotic skin microbiome in inflammation during cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Vincent and Dickson discuss the spread of P. knowlesi in Malaysia, and how Leishmania parasites protect the sandfly gut from bacterial infection.