Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Michael Schmidt, Elio Schaechter and Jo Handelsman
Vincent, Jo, Michael, and Elio review an outbreak of pertussis in Washington, and how culturing can reveal rare members of the soil biosphere.
Download TWiM #38 (49 MB .mp3, 71 minutes).
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Links for this episode:
- Pertussis epidemic (MMWR)
- Sound of pertussis
- B. pertussis toxins and resurgence (EID, pdf)
- Microbial Olympics
- Culturing soil rare biosphere (Env Micro)
- Growing unculturable bacteria (J Bact)
- Letters read on TWiM 038
Send your microbiology questions and comments to
Update : You kids may have already covered this, I’m playing catch-up through TWIM. BP can appear again without the signature cough, and it is a naturally occurring random mutation from Parapertussis. Which has know animal resovoirs.