The diminutive bobtail squid, which feeds at night near the surface of the ocean, uses a luminescent bacterium to form a light organ that mimics moonlight and confuses predators. The same species of bacteria is also found in the pinecone fish and scientists have found that just a single gene was required for the bacterium to change from fish host to squid host, a discovery that could underpin new strategies to fight the germs that make people sick. Used with permission by: UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067 Photo by: William Ormerod/courtesy Margaret McFall-Ngai Date: 2004 File#: scan provided

TWiM 10: A symbiotic cloaking device

June 29, 2011

Euprymna scolopes also known as the Hawaiian Bobtail SquidHosts: Vincent Racaniello, Michael Schmidt, Dickson Despommier, Margaret McFall-Ngai, and Elio Schaechter

On episode #10 of the podcast This Week in Microbiology, Vincent, Margaret, Elio, Michael and Dickson discuss the symbiosis between the Hawaiian bobtail squid and the luminous, gram-negative bacterium Vibrio fischeri.

Download TWiM #10 (47 MB, .mp3, 68 minutes).

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