TWiV 41: Fish flu

July 19, 2009

ISA-lesionsHosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dick DespommierAlan Dove, and Rich Condit

Vincent, Dick, Alan and Rich Condit chat about infectious salmon anemia virus, virus-resistant grapevines, virulence of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus, origin of 1918 influenza virus, holy water ban to halt influenza, frequency of human WU and KI polyomavirus infection, rabies in China, and host species of sin nombre virus.

Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV #41 (51 MB .mp3, 73 minutes)

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Links for this episode:

  • Wal-Mart stops buying Chile salmon on virus outbreak
  • Virus-resistant grapevines
  • Virulence of H1N1 pandemic influenza virus in animal models
  • Did 1918 influenza virus originate in birds or not?
  • Holy water ban to halt swine flu
  • Frequent Human Infection with WU and KI Polyomaviruses
  • Rabies in China
  • Increased Host Species Diversity and Decreased Prevalence of Sin Nombre Virus
  • Fast, cheap PCR for crime scenes (thanks Jim!)

Weekly Science Picks

Alan For Love of Insects by Thomas Eisner
Rich Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes
Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
Vincent Gallileoscope (thanks Zach!)

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6 comments on “TWiV 41: Fish flu

  1. just guessing … fish flu is just a headline to make us listen
    (which I won't now, maybe later)

    • I usually pick episode names from things that come up during
      recording. The title came from the episode; fish are infected with a
      member of the orthomyxoviridae, and one participant called it 'fish
      flu'. I find it's not necessary to 'get' people to listen to twiv;
      most are simply interested in learning virology from virologists. I
      make no money from twiv; I do it to teach people what I know and what
      they want to know.

  2. max191 Oct 4, 2009

    Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks a load!
    charcoal grill

  3. Gduchene Jul 30, 2011

    I am interested in hearing your discussion about Infectious  Salmon
    Anemia, but can’t seem to get into the link you posted.
    I live on the
    west coast of BC Canada where many people suspect this virus may already
    be. We also have very serious sea lice problems caused by the salmon
    farms and sea lice can help spread the disease. Studies have shown that
    ISA is transferable among various genus and species of salmon, and our
    wild salmon stocks are in serious decline since the advent of the fish
    However, our government seems to be in bed, or in the same
    pocket, with the Aquaculture companies (92% owned by Norwegians) and
    everything is cloaked in secrecy