TWiV 316: The enemy of my enemy is not my friend

December 21, 2014

Th17 cellsHosts: Vincent RacanielloAlan DoveRich Condit, and Kathy Spindler

Vincent, Alan, Rich and Kathy discuss how interleukin 10 modulation of Th17 helper cells contributes to alphavirus pathogenesis.

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One comment on “TWiV 316: The enemy of my enemy is not my friend

  1. dcpattie Dec 24, 2014

    Another great TWIV – thanks guys. I appreciate Alan’s perspective on influenza vaccination, something I’ve pondered a lot over the past 10-years. I generally agree with Alan’s comments with one exception – the no side effects aspect of influenza vaccination. Just to be clear, I am 100% pro vaccination and what I’m about to discuss is outside the rare known side effects of influenza vaccination (1976- guillain barre and 2009-narcolepsy).

    We now have two peer-reviewed publications showing an increased risk of non-influenza virus infections (other ILI’s) and receiving the influenza vaccination. Although rhinovirus,
    coxsackievirus/echovirus, and adenovirus are generally considered less severe than influenza, don’t tell that to someone with a lingering 3-week adenovirus cough. On a more serious note, these respiratory viruses are responsible for high morbidity and absenteeism around the world. The decision to get vaccinated then becomes even murkier when one considers a poor vaccine-to-virus match.

    So in 2014/15, do I want to receive a vaccination that we now know is ineffective (or at least questionable effectiveness) that may also increase the risk of catching other respiratory illness? For those interested, the publications are open access. 2012 study can be found here: [DOI: 10.1093/cid/cis307], and the 2014 study can be found here: [DOI:10.1111/irv.12229].