TWiV 282: Tamiflu and tenure too

April 27, 2014

Who had what when?Hosts: Vincent RacanielloAlan DoveRich Condit, and Kathy Spindler

The TWiV team reviews a meta-analysis of clinical trial reports on using Tamiflu for influenza, and suggestions on how to rescue US biomedical research from its systemic flaws.

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Particle Fever
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3 comments on “TWiV 282: Tamiflu and tenure too

  1. staccy Apr 27, 2014

    April 25 th is also World penguin day (and my birthday!). So all in all a pretty great day of the year 🙂 Great episode of TWiV as usual team.

  2. I found nothing in the TWiV (first 37min) about whether Tamiflu works for prophylaxis.
    We saw multiple papers that showed prophylactic effects of tamiflu i.e.
    it was recommended for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and that is
    also the reason why most countries stockpiled it according to their pandemic plans.
    And in 2006,2007 we had many reports of so-called “tamiflu-blankets” for H5N1,
    where it was given prophylactically in regions with H5N1 outbreaks
    to relatives, contacts of H5N1,H7N9 suspects.

    Relenza, Laninamivir

  3. Glad to see your group looking at evidence of the problem of corporate greed and secrecy added to a medical cocktail. There is a lot more evidence if you look.