Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Kathy Spindler
Vincent, Dickson, Alan, and Kathy review clearance of simian immunodeficiency virus infection from macaques by immunization with SIV proteins encoded in a rhesus cytomegalovirus vector.
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Links for this episode:
- Immune clearance of SIV infection (Nature)
- Rhesus CMV vectors (Nature Medicine)
- Types of memory T cells (WikiPedia)
- Goldilocks approach to vaccines (Scilogs)
- Chimeric HA influenza vaccine (J Virol)
- Influenza vaccine matched vs mismatched (BMC Medicine)
- Letters read on TWiV 254
Weekly Science Picks
Dickson – The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono
Kathy – A boy and his atom and Moving Atoms (YouTube)
Alan – It is pitch dark and Get Lamp (YouTube)
Vincent – Who’s afraid of peer review? (Science)
Listener Pick of the Week
Maren – Hello Maestro (episodes on YouTube)
Ayesha – Why you don’t f****** love science
Jon – A Capella Science (YouTube)
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Ooh, you were doing so well for the first 25 minutes, until you said “boost the protein expression.” 🙁