Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Philip Kranzusch, David Knipe, and Priscilla Yang
Vincent, Philip, David, and Priscilla recorded this episode before an audience at the Harvard Virology Program Annual Retreat, where they discussed negative strand RNA viruses, a vaccine against herpes simplex virus type 2, lipidomics of viral infection, and science communication.
The Keynote Speaker at the Harvard Virology retreat is usually an individual, but this year the honor went to TWiV as an example of science communication to the public. Many thanks to members of the Virology Program for a terrific retreat!
Click the arrow above to play, or right-click to download TWiV 148 (56 MB .mp3, 77 minutes).
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Links for this episode:
- Virology at Harvard
- Harvard Virology Retreat 2011 Program (pdf)
- Science in the News
- Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
- Top 10 causes of death (WHO)
- Top 10 infectious disease deaths (Baylor)
- TWiV on Facebook
- Letters read on TWiV 148
- Video of this episode: view above or at YouTube
Weekly Science Picks
Philip – AntWeb
David – Herpes-like viruses in corals (PNAS and LiveScience)
Priscilla – Science museums (Boston, Durham)
Vincent – Contagion
Listener Pick of the Week
Jenny – Emerman’s review of Planet of Viruses (PLoS Biology)
Send your virology questions and comments to
Artwork by Silvia Piccinotti, G4
Congratulations! Well-deserved recognition!