Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Stephanie Karst
Vincent, Rich, Alan, and Dickson review noroviruses with Stephanie Karst, PhD.
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Links for this episode:
- Caliciviruses at ViralZone
- Norovirus page at CDC
- Norovirus infection does not confer protection (J Virology)
- Norovirus vaccine by LigoCyte (pdf)
- The official diarrhea song
- TWiV on Facebook
- Letters read on TWiV 133
Weekly Science Picks
Stephanie – Effectors of the type I interferon response (Nature)
Dickson – Receptor for Ebola virus (PNAS)
Rich – A History of Vaccines
Alan – The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Vincent – ASM Live 2011 webcast
Listener Pick of the Week
Sophie – TED talk app for iPad and iPhone
Send your virology questions and comments to
Thanks for the informative podcast! It is great to have so much information from the experts in field – I am really looking forward to a possible vaccine.