<p”>Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, and Rich Condit
Vincent, Dickson, Alan, and Rich review an adenovirus-based vaccine strategy against drug addiction, a field trial of RNAi to prevent Israeli acute paralysis virus infection in honeybees, and suppression of avian influenza transmission in transgenic chickens.
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Links for this episode:
- Cocaine analog coupled to disrupted adenovirus
- Field application of RNAi in honeybees
- Suppression of avian influenza transmission in GM chickens (EurekAlert)
- Phage tailspike protein therapy
- Use of phage lysins to treat bacterial infections (one and two)
- Cell to cell spread of viruses (review and inhibition by tetherin)
- Flock house virus replication organelle (thanks Brett!)
- TWiV on Facebook
- Letters read on TWiV 116
Weekly Science Picks
Dickson – Brian Deer’s investigation of Andrew Wakefield
Rich – Photographic periodic table of the elements
Alan – Year of the bat (site one and site two)
Vincent – EteRNA (NY Times article)
Send your virology questions and comments to twiv@microbe.tv.
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