Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier
Vincent and Dickson reveal how invasive harlequin ladybirds use biological weapons against their competitors.
Download TWiP #55 (53 MB .mp3, 74 minutes).
Links for this episode:
- Invasive Harlequin Ladybirds’ biological weapon (Science)
- Immunity an invasive success (Science)
- Invading ladybugs carry bioweapons (C&EN)
- Ladybird Ladybird (Wikipedia)
- G. Evelyn Hutchinson (Wikipedia)
- TWiV #7: Viruses in video games
- Letters read on TWiP 55
Dickson’s Pick
An Inordinate Fondess for Beetles by Arthur V. Evans, Charles L. Bellamy
Listener Pick
Jessie – Pandemic, the board game
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