Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier
Vincent and Dickson discuss immune evasion by the cruzain protease of T. cruzi, and novel tetraspanin antigens of S. japonicum.
Download TWiP #32 (65 MB .mp3, 90 minutes).
Links for this episode:
- NF-kappaB: Nuclear Factor binding kappa enhancer in B cells
- Immune evasion by T. cruzi cruzain (PLoS Pathogens)
- Novel tetraspanins in S. japonicum (Acta Tropica)
- Intravenously administered malaria vaccine (Science)
- TWiP on trypanosomes (#15) and schistosomes (#26)
- Monsters Inside Me
- Futures in Biotech with Dr. Jack Horner, advisor for Jurassic Park
- Dickson’s Pick: Labcoats in Hollywood by David Kirby
- Letters read on TWiP 32
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