Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier
Vincent and Dickson take on the schistosomes, agents of a series of related diseases in humans referred to as schistosomiasis.
Download TWiP #26 (68 MB .mp3, 95 minutes)
Links for this episode:
- Pair of adult schistosomes (jpg)
- Adult schistosomes in situ (jpg)
- Adult schistosomes in venule (jpg)
- S. mansoni adult (jpg)
- S. mansoni egg (jpg)
- S. haematobium eggs in bladder wall (jpg)
- S. japonicum egg (jpg)
- Schistosome egg in small intestine forming granuloma (jpg)
- Schistosome cercaria (jpg)
- S. mansoni life cycle (jpg)
- S. japonicum life cycle (jpg)
- S. haematobium life cycle (jpg)
- Letters read on TWiP 26
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