Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Dickson Despommier
Vincent and Dickson review the life cycle and pathogenesis of the world’s most unusual parasite, Strongyloides stercoralis.
Links for this episode:
- Free-living Strongyloides stercoralisadult (jpg)
- Small intestine with numerous sections of female S. stercoralis (jpg)
- Rhabditiform larva of S. sterocoralis (jpg)
- Filariform larva of S. stercoralis in skin (jpg)
- S. stercoralisbuccal cavity (jpg)
- S. stercoralislife cycle (jpg)
- Letters read on TWiP 23
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does genotoxicity mean inhibits humans from procreating or the parasite from being able to reproduce?
I have lots of questions and hope that there will be lots of time for discussion on the next TWIP episode. Perhaps the primary one is: given we are in a major epidemic, should there be a national worming campaign for Strongyloides right now?