In this episode, hiring and training expectations for future biomedical life sciences faculty, and the roles of bacterial symbionts in deep-sea hydrothermal vent tubeworms.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Elio Schaechter, Michele Swanson, and Michael Schmidt
Right click to download TWiM #236 (32 MB .mp3, 44 minutes)
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Links for this episode
- Expectations for life sciences faculty (Life Sci Edu)
- Academic career readiness assessment (UCSF)
- Tubeworm bacterial symbionts (eLife)
- Traveling on the Alvin (Dark Life II)
- Image credit
Music used on TWiM is composed and performed by Ronald Jenkees and used with permission.
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Dear TWiMites: I was jumping up and down at the discussion of the Riftia symbiosis! I doubt you could hear me, but I was so excited, and wanted to bring in the great video by Colleen Cavanaugh about them:
This just proves *I* have to somehow learn to podcast! Wonderful job.
I also really enjoyed Michele’s discussion of how to treat applicants equitably. Sadly, it is evolutionarlly conserved primate politics that people (often unconsciously) are most interested in hiring people like themselves. But a framework such as was described might help. I hope so, having seen so many horror stories.
-Mark Martin