Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Joseph John, Michael Schmidt, and Elio Schaechter
Vincent, Michael, Elio, and Joe review highlights of the 15th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ISSSI) in Lyon, France.
Download TWiM #42 (52 MB .mp3, 71 minutes).
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Links for this episode:
- A pathogen’s Swiss army knife (STC)
- Novel therapeutic targets (pdf)
- Our conterintelligence Staph (STC)
- Staph and cholesterol (STC)
- Reasons for S. aureus vaccine failures (Front Cell Inf Micro)
- S. aureus riboswitch (PLoS Path)
- Staph pathogenicity islands (PNAS)
- A little help from their friends (STC)
- Letters read on TWiM 042
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