We exist in a sea of microbes, it is true. We only need to look. And Dr. Elinne Becket of California State University San Marcos, joins Mark to describe some of the work she and her undergraduate colleagues are doing. And a popular hashtag on social media: #BlueSoup. Welcome to our quality quorum, Elinne!
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guest: Elinne Becket
Download MM #7 (32 MB .mp3, 44 min)
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Links for this episode
- An essay on gooseneck flasks, Louis Pasteur, and spontaneous generation can be found here.
- Lizah van der Aart creates wonderful microbiologically oriented pins here.
- Caulobacter is a fascinating organism, as you can see here.
- Here is a short video of the #LuxArt made by my #Bio350 #Micronauts this fall.
- Maggie Middleton creates fabulous science art here.
- A wonderful description of Dr. Becket’s #BlueSoup story.
- Another telling of the #BlueSoup tale!
- Dr. Becket’s wonderful laboratory website can be found here.
- Dr. Becket’s thread on Twitter/X describing the #BlueSoup excitement as it happened is here.
Intro music is by Reber Clark
Send your questions and comments to mattersmicrobial@gmail.com
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